The Art of Self-Care

I've been on a mission to take better care of myself-- my word for this year was bloom, and I've done my best to make sure that I am blooming this year.  There's so many elements of self-care that are specific to each individual, but it's so important to figure out what serves you well in caring for yourself.  I used to think self-care was for people who weren't as busy (LOL) as me, or people who couldn't handle their lives and needed time outs.  Well, it turns out that self-care is important to everyone.  It's essential for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.  All of us need time outs in the midst of busy lives.  Here's some ways that I've channeled the art of self-care and relaxation in the midst of busy-ness.

1. Drinking more water.  Maybe you're rolling your eyes at this one because you already drink so much water-- but I am not someone who has always selected water as my beverage of choice.  I read recently that instead of just aiming for 64 ounces of water per day, you should really aim for half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.  I'm heavier than I once way and require more than 64 ounces a day to stay well-hydrated.  My hack to drinking more water was choosing a water bottle that I loved and carrying it everywhere with me.  I also write down my water goal at the beginning of each day and mark my progress in a journal that I keep.  Here's the water bottle I love the most.

2. Taking bubble baths.  I have mastered the art of the bubble bath pretty well, and have a myriad of bubble bath supplies that are necessary for a great bubble bath.  From true bubbles to bath salts or bath bombs, I know all the good stuff to use.  It reminds me of an episode of Friends when Chandler walks in on Monica taking a bubble bath and suddenly starts taking them himself-- learning to set the mood, light candles, use the right temperature/bubble combination.  My favorite bath bomb was gifted to me from a friend for my birthday this year but can also be found at Target (see below).  I don't take bubble baths every day but try to take one on my first day off after working a string of long hospital days.  I always do it when my husband isn't home because it's just so much more relaxing when the house is quiet.

Source: Target
The reason I love this so much is because it smells like 
home and the ocean and makes the water turn blue!

3. Journaling.  I wouldn't say I journal like I used to, but I have started a form of bullet journaling that I am really coming to enjoy.  I was inspired by my friend Angela who uses the Panda journal, but there are the essential elements to my journal each day. 
  • A quote for the day (this is the most fun part to me!)
  • Gratitude (expressing gratitude about my life)
  • A sentence about how much water I am going to drink that day
  • A sentence about the exercise I will do that day
  • Three to four items that I MUST accomplish
  • Progress regarding a habit I am working on
  • A list of optional items to do if I get through my MUST list.  
I also try to practice my hand lettering as I write out each thing so that I can work towards being a better calligrapher or handletterer (?).

4. Washing my face.  I try to make it a point to wash my face every day, but I do an even deeper clean of my face using a face mask whenever I take my bubble baths.  My favorite face mask so far is from Lush and stays on for about 15 minutes while I'm soaking and reading a good book.  

Source: Lush

5. Spending time outside.   There's tons of research about how spending time in nature recharges and re-energizes you.  I was never one who loved the outdoors very much, unless you considered lying on the beach to be an outdoor activity.  However, when I started dating my husband, I took an interest in doing the outdoor activities he loves.  I now find comfort and joy in spending time outside and try to go hiking with my husband and dog at least 2-3 times per week.  We have a nearby park with trails that are so beautiful and allow for my anxious dog to run fast and far, and I find that it's soothing for both of us.  

There's so many other things I'm doing for self-care, like writing, reading, disconnecting from social media, decluttering,  waking up earlier, going to bed earlier, eating more vegetables, gardening.  It's so important to take good good care of your mind and body, and I'm learning that it's worth the "time out" from other events on your calendar to do so.  

Hope you're having a good week and finding ways to take care of yourself!



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